But remember that bisexuality is a spectrum or continuum that one can fall on, with different levels of attraction for different genders.
Your taste in men may not necessarily be a sure sign of bisexuality. Some bi women are more attracted to men than women, others vice versa, and others may find some things attractive in men and other things attractive in women. You don’t have to have a 50/50 attraction to people of the same and different genders to be a “valid” bisexual. Now, the American Psychological Association has stated that “someone does not have to be exclusively homosexual or heterosexual but can feel varying degrees of both.” This means that bisexuality exists on a spectrum. But this should be taken with a grain of salt and not as a definitive answer to the question “how straight are you based on your taste in men?” By extension, this could mean that someone who is more into feminine men could also be attracted to other women. As such, some women who may be attracted to feminine men may be drawn to femininity in general.